You are currently viewing InShadows – The new music project by members of Silent Winter.

InShadows – The new music project by members of Silent Winter.

Kyriakos Balanos (guitar) and Yannis Antonopoulos (drums) seem to have a new musical project in the works and different from what we are used to.

According to a post by Yannis Antonopoulos on his personal account, via social media:

“In Shadows……Good evening !!!The need to play music we love so much led us to do a project with Kyriakos (of a song) which has nothing to do with what you are used to from us (we get a little wild musically …the vocals are very heavy 🤘) Soon there will be the song which you are preparing to listen to…. ….the vocals were recorded by an American friend of ours in America .The mix and masters and these are done there !!! (Our great love is Silent uh ..doesn’t change with
Nothing this …kinds of recorded the new album ✔️……just said
We are going to do something else at the same time ….a song of another style !!🤘✔️

Translated with (free version)

(Cover Art Kiriakos Balanos) ”